How Hard Living without You, Friends!
Hello my lovely andromeders, how’s life today? Hope you enjoy every moment that God’s give to you. Sometimes a human forgets about how many bestowal of God, make sure that God’s bestowal not only about money or health but also about friends. Friend is one of all important something from God. We need friends to grow up, to teach each other how to handle every moment and condition in our life. Friend has taught me about control emotion, prepare best future and compete with others. Friend made us know how to apply sympathy in the right way, cheers up us when we get the bad moment. True friend always understands for us, when we need help and etc. I always beseech to God, please don’t take my friend from my side. For every step I get in this beautiful life, friend is important to me. We can’t do stupid thing alone, so we need friends in our life. How amazing if we can laugh loudly without anybody beside us.
God has taught me well. There are togetherness and separated in life. I am an independent woman, nevertheless I also need a friend. To share everything happens in my life today. I have asked to my friend since early morning, who will accompany me to lunch. None of them can give answers. Honestly, I hate loneliness. I don’t like eat in the silence condition. Maybe it’s all happening because we almost there. Place where we will change our phase in life, a transition adolescent to real adult. I know how hard all of us prepare for the best future, me too. I had been trying all of way and all of my knowledge to struggle for my future. Since I entered for the last semester in the University, I might understand the situation. Friend is going to be lost from our view but not a life. All of I want to say, thank you for having me in your life. Thank you for always understands me in every weakness. I mean, whatever our condition, still our friendship forever. I cheer you in every daily prayer.
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