Dapat kesempatan untuk menulis pengalaman selama di
South Korea ke web KSEUGM.ORG. Website keluargaku di Karya Salemba Empat UGM.
Karena sesungguhnya aku dan semua sepak terjangku tidak akan ada tanpa kalian
dan tidak ada tujuan lain daripada kalian.
1. Big Thank buat
Allah, Tuhanku atas takdir yang aku ciptakan dan akhirnya Dia menginzinkan itu
terjadi dalam hidupku. Juga kekasihnya Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai imam besar
dalam hidupku.
2. Keluargaku
Ayah, Ibu, Adikku yang selalu mencintai dalam kondisi apapun, keluarga besar dari
pihak nenek Sainah dan nenek Madiono yang selalu setia mendukungku disaat susah
maupun senang.
3. Guru-guru dari
TK-SD-SMP-SMA-Kuliah atas semua ilmu yang berhasil ditransfer untukku.
Teman dan
sahabat-sahabat yang selalu ada kapanpun untukku.
5. Yayasan Karya
Salemba Empat, donator Indofood yang memberikan bekal gemblengan leadership
yang sangat berguna menjelang keberangkatan ke Korea. Walaupun sesungguhnya mereka
bahkan memberi lebih dari apa yang bisa kusebutkan.
6. Keluarga KSE
UGM dimana aku belajar dan mendapatkan banyak hal yang bahkan aku tidak tahu
begitu kecil hal yang bisa kubagi lagi pada yang lain.
tercinta UGM dan segala kehidupan terindah di dalamnya.
Kabupaten Bantul dan jajarannya.
tetanggaku yang begitu peduli padaku.
Tanah airku
yang selalu aku banggakan bagaimanapun keadaanmu.
11. Serta semua inspirator dalam hidup
yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu.
Sesungguhnya setiap orang punya keunikan
masing-masing. Berjuang dan bersinar dengan caranya. Yang terbaik hanyalah
Tuhan, biarkan aku menggunakan sedikit kebaikan kalian untuk menjadi manusia
yang berguna bagi yang lain. Sesungguhnya ini hanyalah awal aku akan
menunjukkan betapa kebaikan kalian itu nyata dan berdampak begitu besar dalam
kehidupanku. Silahkan untuk membaca kembali sharing pengalaman yang saya bagi
Why must you get exchange student
experience (Lost in South Korea)?
Why must you get exchange student
experience is the bold title of this article. This article basically from my
individual experience, maybe there is a different of yours. I just want to
share what I’d like to call “my precious moment from Ginseng Country”. First of
all, I want to tell you why I chose South Korea as a destination to get student
exchange experience. Honestly, it’s not a specific reason, just because I have
already joint to international exchange in any country. So I chose South Korea
for the next destination. I had failed in some international exchange
opportunity before I accepted the news about my participation as an exchange
student in Chonbuk National University South Korea. It flew like water gets into
low surface. While I got there, I was realizing about my 7 years ago dream. I
chose some country as an exchange student destination country and failed. I have
never given up, because it’s one of the vastly important jumps to getting
closer with my international goals. One of the big goals for my life is
preparing as much experience as possible before I enrolled myself as a master
candidate in Seoul National University. So I think it’s why God chosen South
Korea for me. So helpful to me, learn about culture, lifestyle, hot issue,
characters of South Korea people. But, according to my opinion, I mean how
useful exchange experience is depends on our own goal. If you will not be
travelling or going to another country or beholding the wide world, I think
your opinion will be different with mine.
I think God is the best director to
our destiny. Sometimes I dwell so many magic happens in my life because of
exchange student. First, I saw the snow in 21 years old, how magic’s tropic
person like me can see. I met so many unique cultures from friends who come
from all around the world. I learn to adapt with high different culture
conveniently, so being open minded person is the best choice. I got new
knowledge about South Korea Governance public policy. It’s so perfect for me to
learn how rapidly South Korea being the most success country, not only about
Entertainment Industry but also in the Technology Industry. Besides that, I
also learn how hard for me to control myself. Yeah, as all we know South Korea
has its own indulgence, drink soju (alcohol looks alike). In there, soju is a
legal drinking. As an Islamic woman, I also might use hijab unconditionally.
For your Information, majority citizens in South Korea have not religion. Not
all citizens know about Islam and Hijab. Sometimes I get weird gaze, but in the
other condition I will get highly appreciate from them. Some of my Japanese and
Taiwanese friends asked to learn use hijab; nevertheless they just play a joke.
But in the common life, they don’t vastly pay attention to hijab in my head. I also
got the lesson about managing food, because Islam avoids me to consume some
kind of food. Yeah, I think how deep and how precious exchange student experiences
will be dependent by our own goals. Whatever do you want to get guys,
struggling is necessary to get the best goals.
*If you find
many mistakes in my English, please don’t hesitate to contact me in every
social media. Let me improve my English without fear. Thank you for your
attention, I will be pleased if you attracted to more discuss about this topic.
Ananti Primadi
Ig/Fb : Ananti
Line: ananprima
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